
In life and our careers we often have moments that leave an impression and stay with us throughout. In his latest Moment of Clarity, Charlie brings us a story from his past that has served him as a pivotal reminder to operate with intention. So often...

What do you do to push yourself and grow? Getting to the next level is never easy, but Charlie has found a key to make it seem a little bit easier. In his latest "Moment of Clarity" Charlie shows us that even though life throws us...

Do you ever find yourself stuck in a vicious loop of bad habits? A seemingly never ending battle that feeds itself in a negative direction doesn't have to be your future. But how do we break out of the vicious cycle and into the virtuous...

It is a blessing and a curse to be the "go to" person for everything at work or in life. If you're in public safety you probably already have a servant's heart so your inclination is to say yes whenever someone; a boss, colleague or...

New Course Announcement! Chief Leadership is excited to announce we've added a brand NEW course, Public Safety Wellness! “In order to best serve others, you must first learn to serve yourself” These are words to live by in the world of public safety. Far too many...

As my partners and I walked out of briefing that evening, we were a bit stunned and confused… and frankly, angry. It was only a few minutes earlier that our sergeants relayed to us in briefing, the “new rule” as it relates to making arrests. Before...

What is your leadership style? Do you tend to have a laissez faire approach? Or do you focus on every small detail? In this week's moment of clarity, Charlie relays one of the more important lessons imparted on him by his former boss, Chief Jordan,...

Do you ever feel alone? Do you feel like maybe no one cares or understands the trauma and stresses that come with a career in public safety? In this week's moment of clarity, Charlie talks to us about the often ignored side of wellness, mental and...

There is nothing more true in life than the fact that You Are Going To Die. We don't like to accept this very real fact, but it is true nonetheless. So with this certainty looming around the corner at any minute, why do we waste...

"Comparison is the thief of joy." This quote from Theodore Roosevelt is short, but extremely impactful. It's easy to fall into the trap of comparing your life with others. The neighbor has the new car, the big house or the fancy lifestyle. However, falling into...