
In this video, Charlie provides a powerful email management tool and strategy to maximize your efficiency, while at the same time, considering the well-being of your team....

This is a message to the disengaged, the disenfranchised, the jaded and the cynical. It cannot feel good coming to work every day with this mindset. I wanted to share with you some questions you could ask yourself that may help you find your way...

Have you ever engaged in "self sabotage?" Do you have enough self awareness to know what your limitations are when it comes to health and wellness? Charlie shared his thoughts on leadership after one of his run sessions, as well as some of the habits...

Welcome to the latest Thoughts on Leadership from Chief Leadership's Owner, Charlie Celano! In this thought-provoking video, Charles encourages us to embrace the windshield perspective, emphasizing the importance of looking forward in life rather than dwelling on the past. Examining how to Look At Life...

Does social media ever get you down? Are you afraid every time you open your feed you're going to see something that bothers or triggers you? Well you don't have to be! In this week's Moment of Clarity, Charlie talks to you about pruning. What is...

In his latest Moment of Clarity, Charlie explores rumination and how journaling can help. Rumination is a common problem for many people, it is when you repetitively dwell on thoughts or emotions without being able to move past them. Have your thoughts or emotions ever...

Do you struggle with sleep? Does your mind race at night or do you stay up late trying to get everything done? When we are busy, anxious and/or overworked we often sacrifice one of the most important factors in our overall health, sleep. Studies have shown...