
This is a message to the disengaged, the disenfranchised, the jaded and the cynical. It cannot feel good coming to work every day with this mindset. I wanted to share with you some questions you could ask yourself that may help you find your way...

I cannot believe it has been 5 years. Time flies when you're having fun. I have certainly had a lot of fun over the past five years building this business. I never would have dreamed we would be at this point. Reflecting back, I am...

The latest Chief Leadership Two-Minute Takeaway focuses on 'Ego Is The Enemy' by Ryan Holiday. This book is a great reference and contains some wonderful tips, tricks and advice that will help you become more efficient in your work and leadership. In this book, Ryan gives...

Have you ever engaged in "self sabotage?" Do you have enough self awareness to know what your limitations are when it comes to health and wellness? Charlie shared his thoughts on leadership after one of his run sessions, as well as some of the habits...

Are you looking to master the art of leadership? In the latest "Thoughts on Leadership" segment Charlie dives deep into a critical aspect of leadership that's often overlooked: termination. Charlie discusses the phrase, "You're Fired" and shares his wealth of experience and wisdom against the picturesque...

Welcome to the latest Thoughts on Leadership from Chief Leadership's Owner, Charlie Celano! In this thought-provoking video, Charles encourages us to embrace the windshield perspective, emphasizing the importance of looking forward in life rather than dwelling on the past. Examining how to Look At Life...

Charlie brings you a new segment we're calling Thoughts on Leadership! In this series Charlie dives into the crucial aspects of leadership and in this first segment he provides essential insights on how to break free from short-term thinking and cultivate a mindset focused on...

In his latest "Moment of Clarity" Charlie Celano explores an often overlooked part of leadership and presents a profound perspective: "Listening Is A Superpower." Join him as he uncovers a hidden gem of effective leadership and shows how this remarkable skill can elevate you in...

In his latest "Moment of Clarity," Chief Leadership Founder and CEO, Charlie Celano delves into the captivating question: "What is enough?" He takes us on a thought-provoking exploration of our desire for more and the elusive pursuit of happiness through external achievements. Specifically, Charlie draws upon...

In his latest "Moment of Clarity," Charlie explores the challenging transition from being a team member to assuming a leadership position. Delving into an all too common mistake many people make when faced with their first leadership role: over-supervising or under-supervising. Charlie shares invaluable insights, practical...