Author: Chief Leadership

Do you struggle with procrastination? Does the overwhelming nature of a big project or task sometimes stop you from starting in the first place? When overcoming procrastination you need tools to help you start. Something that can help you gain the momentum you need to make...

Do you have a seemingly overwhelming task or goal ahead of you? Are you being stifled by the sheer weight of what you're about to tackle? In his latest Moment of Clarity, Chief Leadership Founder, Charlie Celano, shows you how to take on a big challenge....

“Tim, are you sure about this? Switching departments? It is a big move.” Tim takes a big swig of his lukewarm convenience store coffee before he responds. “I have to Charlie…I can’t take it anymore. They’re out to get me.” It saddened me to hear this from...

The latest Chief Leadership Two-Minute Takeaway focuses on The 4-Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. This book is a great reference and contains some wonderful tips, tricks and advice that will help you become more efficient in your work and leadership. Is it realistic to think you'll...

One of the things we have been conditioned to do over the past two years is to look for and comply with any and all markings on the ground in front of us, ensuring that we keep the safe distance of six feet away from...

It's no secret, but it's often overlooked on a daily basis. Time is the one thing you cannot save. We only have so much and it's how we choose to spend it that really matters. So how do you maximize your time? How do you make...

Are you looking for tips on how to be a better leader? Trying to find the right combination of delivery and critique to craft your leadership style? When leading your team it's important to always consider the time, place and manner in which your interactions...

If you have ever been a candidate in a promotional process for a formal leadership position, you most likely had to get through an oral board panel. In almost every oral board that I have been a part of, there is a question related to...

Have you ever been passed over for a promotion? Are you interested in getting a promotion at work fast? Some things in life take extra effort, care and attention to detail. Getting a promotion and advancing up the ladder at work is something that often...

After my heart scan in 2018, I was given some bad news. I was told by the cardiologist that I have a moderate level of calcification in and around my coronary arteries. Essentially what this means is I have coronary artery disease. This chronic disease...