06 Jan In Honor of Sheriff Hutchens
My latest after-run moment of clarity hits very close to home. My friend and mentor, the first female Sheriff in Orange County, Sandra Hutchens, has lost her battle with #BreastCancer. Sheriff Hutchens made Orange County a better and safer place for us all. She led by example and touched the lives of everyone who met her.
This year I am training to do my third Ironman. In her honor I will be donating $1 for every mile I run over the course of this year. It’s the least I can do to honor a woman who gave so much back to me and her community. I’ve chosen one of her favorite charities Susan G. Komen. If you’d like to donate you can on their website at https://www.komen.org
This wasn’t the start to 2021 we were hoping for, but we’re determined to honor her memory and make this a great year. Learn more about our executive coaching and leadership training at https://ChiefLeadership.com