
Do you ever feel alone? Do you feel like maybe no one cares or understands the trauma and stresses that come with a career in public safety? In this week's moment of clarity, Charlie talks to us about the often ignored side of wellness, mental and...

There is nothing more true in life than the fact that You Are Going To Die. We don't like to accept this very real fact, but it is true nonetheless. So with this certainty looming around the corner at any minute, why do we waste...

Do you struggle with procrastination? Does the overwhelming nature of a big project or task sometimes stop you from starting in the first place? When overcoming procrastination you need tools to help you start. Something that can help you gain the momentum you need to make...

Do you have a seemingly overwhelming task or goal ahead of you? Are you being stifled by the sheer weight of what you're about to tackle? In his latest Moment of Clarity, Chief Leadership Founder, Charlie Celano, shows you how to take on a big challenge....

It's no secret, but it's often overlooked on a daily basis. Time is the one thing you cannot save. We only have so much and it's how we choose to spend it that really matters. So how do you maximize your time? How do you make...

Are you looking for tips on how to be a better leader? Trying to find the right combination of delivery and critique to craft your leadership style? When leading your team it's important to always consider the time, place and manner in which your interactions...

After my heart scan in 2018, I was given some bad news. I was told by the cardiologist that I have a moderate level of calcification in and around my coronary arteries. Essentially what this means is I have coronary artery disease. This chronic disease...

Getting started is often the hardest part of any challenge you undertake. In his latest Moment of Clarity Chief Leadership Founder, Charles Celano, talks about overcoming the hardest part, a process he calls Overcoming The Inertia. How do you get started? What steps, how big should...

Charlie is back with another Two-Minute Takeaway! In life, do you follow your big dreams and take a risk or do you play it safer by staying home and tending to your flock? This is the essential dilemma the main character faces in The Alchemist by...

5265 emails!?! Just looking at that number next to the email icon on my wife’s phone gives me some serious anxiety. “Are you sure you don’t want me to clean that up babe?” “No, like I told you before babe, I am fine with it” was her...