Accountable Leadership (2-Day Course) – San Mateo, CA
In this comprehensive 16-hour course, participants will engage on a variety of leadership related topics, including: Creating a Culture of Accountability, Widening your perspective as a Leader, the Leadership Mindset, Coaching and Mentoring, Providing Critical Feedback, Evaluating Performance, Common Leadership Failures, Self-Care and Wellness and much more.
Bring your leadership toolbox because you will walk away with several practical leadership tools to help enhance your own leadership development, as well as your relationships with your colleagues, friends and family members. Developing yourself as a leader means developing yourself as a person!
Who Should Attend
Anyone desiring to learn more about leadership or prepare for first line supervision, including aspiring field training officers, corporals, senior officers, sergeants, and civilian supervisors

Retired Chief Charles F Celano Jr is a 27-year veteran of the Tustin Police Department. As founder of Chief Leadership he has coached leaders from public safety organizations, private companies, as well as non-profits. He also has developed comprehensive leadership development programs and provided consulting on succession planning, strategic planning and workforce assessments.

Deputy Chief Paul Garaven is a retired veteran of law enforcement with 30 years of dedicated service. Much of Paul’s career consisted of supervising and managing personnel across a broad spectrum. In addition, Paul served as an adjunct faculty member of the Criminal Justice Training Center at Golden West College for more than a decade, where he played a vital role in training hundreds of police officers.