
We are juggling so many balls in our lives, with everything that we are responsible for. Some of the balls are glass and some are rubber. It is important to distinguish between the two and prioritize the glass balls so they don't drop and break....

As leaders, we can sometimes lose touch with the real work that is being done in our organizations. If we can find ways to "stay close to the work", we can make better, more informed decisions that benefit our people and our organizations overall. Watch the...

As leaders, we are constantly facing decisions in both our personal and professional life. When you are making those decisions, are you basing them on "principle" or "preference"? Charlie shares some of his thoughts on the decision making process and how we, as leaders, can make...

In this video, Charlie provides a powerful email management tool and strategy to maximize your efficiency, while at the same time, considering the well-being of your team....

This is a message to the disengaged, the disenfranchised, the jaded and the cynical. It cannot feel good coming to work every day with this mindset. I wanted to share with you some questions you could ask yourself that may help you find your way...

I cannot believe it has been 5 years. Time flies when you're having fun. I have certainly had a lot of fun over the past five years building this business. I never would have dreamed we would be at this point. Reflecting back, I am...

Are you looking to master the art of leadership? In the latest "Thoughts on Leadership" segment Charlie dives deep into a critical aspect of leadership that's often overlooked: termination. Charlie discusses the phrase, "You're Fired" and shares his wealth of experience and wisdom against the picturesque...

Getting started is often the hardest part of any challenge you undertake. In his latest Moment of Clarity Chief Leadership Founder, Charles Celano, talks about overcoming the hardest part, a process he calls Overcoming The Inertia. How do you get started? What steps, how big should...

As I got up from the conference room chair and walked out of the room, I had a certain swagger to my gait. I felt a sense of pride as I left that management staff meeting… I really made some powerful decisions in there. Maybe...